Living Trusts: Protecting Your Assets and Providing for Your Loved Ones

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Estate Planning


A living trust is a legal estate planning tool that allows individuals to manage their assets and property during their lifetime and distribute them to their designated beneficiaries after death. It specifies the relationship between the grantor (the person creating the trust), the trustee (the person responsible for managing the trust), and the beneficiary (the person receiving the assets or property). By delving into living trusts we’ll reveal their unique advantages, such as avoiding probate, maintaining privacy, and offering greater control over asset distribution.

With years of hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge, I’m well-equipped to provide the insights and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your estate planning. By reading this article, you’ll acquire a thorough understanding of living trusts and their benefits, empowering you to create a robust and effective estate plan that reflects your wishes and secures your family’s future.

This post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of living trusts, explaining their benefits and drawbacks, and comparing them to other estate planning tools, such as wills and powers of attorney. We will also discuss the different types of living trusts, the process of establishing and managing a living trust, and the importance of seeking professional guidance to tailor a trust to your individual needs.

The Basics of Living Trusts

What Is a Living Trust?

A living trust is an estate planning tool designed to manage and distribute your assets and property upon your death or incapacitation. It allows you to retain control over your assets while you are alive and then transfer that control to a designated trustee upon certain conditions, such as death or incapacitation.

The living trust document outlines the relationship between the grantor, trustee, and beneficiary. The grantor creates the trust and transfers assets into it, the trustee manages the trust according to the grantor’s instructions, and the beneficiary receives the assets or property after the grantor’s death or incapacitation.

How Living Trusts Work

During your lifetime, you maintain control over the assets in your living trust, allowing you to buy, sell, and manage the assets as you wish. This control can be especially beneficial for managing real estate, investments, and bank accounts.

Upon your death or incapacitation, the living trust transfers control of the assets to the designated trustee. The trustee then manages the assets according to the instructions outlined in the trust document, distributing them to the named beneficiaries as specified.

Living Trusts are Revocable Trusts

There are two main types of trusts: revocable and irrevocable. A revocable trust can be modified or terminated by the grantor during their lifetime, while an irrevocable trust cannot be changed once it is established. Both trust types can offer various benefits and drawbacks, such as tax benefits, asset protection, and flexibility. A living trust is another name for a revocable trust, which means the settlor of the trust is still considered the owner of the property for most purposes, including taxation. It is important to know, therefore, that living trusts do not offer any tax benefits, and do nothing to avoid the Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax.

There are also several specialized trust options that cater to specific needs or situations, such as trusts for minors, special needs trusts, marital trusts, or even pet trusts. These trust types can provide additional benefits and protections tailored to unique family or beneficiary situations. Each of these additional options can be built into living trusts.

Key Benefits of Living Trusts

Avoiding Probate

Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s estate is settled and distributed to their heirs or beneficiaries. It often involves a probate court, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and public. Probate can also result in the estate being diminished by taxes, fees, and creditor claims. By avoiding probate, you can avoid numerous fees that would otherwise mean you have less to leave to your beneficiaries.

Living trusts help to avoid the probate process, allowing for faster asset distribution to your beneficiaries. Trust assets can often be distributed within weeks or months, as opposed to the months or years it can take for an estate to go through probate. This expedited process can save your beneficiaries time, money, and stress.

Privacy Protection

Probate records are public, meaning anyone can access information about your estate, including its value and the names of your beneficiaries. This can result in a lack of privacy for your family and potentially expose them to unwanted attention from creditors, scammers, or other parties.

Living trusts, on the other hand, are private documents that do not become part of the public record. This privacy protection ensures that your personal financial information and the identities of your beneficiaries remain confidential.

Incapacitation Planning

In the event that you become incapacitated, a living trust allows your designated trustee to manage your assets and make financial decisions on your behalf. This ensures that your assets are managed according to your wishes and provides continuity in the care and support of your dependents.

A power of attorney is another estate planning tool that can provide for management of your assets during incapacitation. However, a living trust typically offers more comprehensive asset management, as it can cover a broader range of assets and allow for more detailed instructions.


Living trusts offer flexibility in determining how your assets are distributed to your beneficiaries. You can specify conditions for distribution, such as a beneficiary reaching a certain age or achieving specific milestones. This control allows you to tailor your estate plan to your unique family situation and ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Living trusts can also provide for the management of assets in various situations, such as divorce, remarriage, or the birth of additional children. This flexibility allows you to adapt your estate plan as your life circumstances change, ensuring that your assets are managed and distributed in a way that reflects your current wishes.

Greater Control of Assets

Living trusts offer greater control over how your assets are managed and distributed. You can specify detailed instructions for your trustee, ensuring that your assets are managed according to your wishes and distributed to your beneficiaries in a timely and efficient manner.

Living trusts can also be tailored to address unique family or beneficiary situations, such as providing for a special needs child or ensuring that a specific asset, like a family home, remains in the family for generations. This customization allows you to create an estate plan that meets your specific needs and reflects your personal values.

Living Trusts vs. Wills

Key Differences Between Living Trusts and Wills

The main differences between living trusts and wills are the level of control, privacy, and probate avoidance they offer. Living trusts provide more control over asset management and distribution, greater privacy protection, and the ability to avoid probate. Wills, on the other hand, are simpler and generally less expensive to create, but they do not offer the same level of control or privacy, and assets distributed through a will must go through the probate process. Living Trusts also have a degree of incapacity planning built into them, whereas a will does nothing for incapacity planning.

Deciding whether to create a will or a living trust depends on your individual needs, goals, and circumstances. A living trust is often the preferred option for those with substantial assets, complex family situations, or a desire for greater control and privacy. However, a will may be sufficient for those with smaller estates or simpler asset distribution wishes.

How Pour-Over Wills Help Living Trusts

Living trusts can provide a more comprehensive and flexible estate plan than a will. A living trust can cover assets that are not included in a will, such as assets held in joint tenancy, tax-deferred accounts, retirement accounts, and life insurance policies, among others. Additionally, a living trust can provide for the management of assets in situations not covered by a will, such as incapacitation or unique beneficiary circumstances.

However, if assets aren’t owned by the trust, then the terms of the trust won’t control who inherits them. When creating a living trust, it is also important to create a pour-over will to prevent this situation. This is a will which leaves your assets to your living trust, in case you forgot to transfer ownership of your assets into the trust during your lifetime. This will ensure that your estate plan is accomplished, rather than having some assets transfer according to different terms than other assets.

Establishing and Managing a Living Trust

Steps To Create a Living Trust

Creating a living trust requires careful planning and expert legal advice. It is essential to consult with an estate planning attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that your trust is tailored to your individual needs and compliant with trust laws. When it is time to put your estate plan together, speak to your estate planning attorney about the possibility of creating a living trust.

Draft a Trust Agreement

The first step in creating a living trust  is to create a trust agreement that outlines the terms of the trust. This document will specify how the trust’s assets should be managed and distributed, as well as any provisions for incapacity or death. Your estate planning attorney will draft this agreement, taking care to address your specific needs and wishes while adhering to legal requirements.

Pick Your Trustees

Once the type of trust is chosen, you will need to designate a trustee who will manage the trust on your behalf. You can choose to be the trustee yourself, but you will need to name a successor trustee to take over if you become incapacitated or pass away. This person can be a trusted family member, a friend, or a professional fiduciary. Your estate planning attorney will provide guidance on choosing a suitable trustee, taking into consideration their ability to manage assets, their integrity, and the potential for conflicts of interest.

Execute Your Documents

Next, you will need to officially execute the trust agreement. Executing a trust agreement involves the signing of the document in the presence of a notary public, who verifies the identity of the signer and ensures that the signing is done voluntarily and without coercion. At the same time you should also execute the pour-over will and any other estate planning documents being created. This will likely necessitate having two witnesses be present as well.

Fund the Trust

The next step is to fund the trust by transferring your assets into it. This may include real estate, bank accounts, investments, and other valuable possessions. Transferring assets into the trust involves changing the title or ownership of each asset, a process that can be complicated and requires the expertise of an estate planning attorney. They will ensure that the transfer is done correctly and in compliance with the applicable laws. Your attorney can help guide you through this process, ensuring that the appropriate paperwork is completed and filed. Funding the trust is a critical step, as an unfunded trust will not serve its intended purpose.

In conclusion, creating a living trust is a complex process that requires the expertise of an estate planning attorney. They will help you make informed decisions, draft legally sound documents, and ensure that the trust is set up and funded correctly. By working with an attorney, you can have peace of mind knowing that your assets are protected and your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes.

Maintenance and Changes to a Living Trust

Amending a Revocable Trust

You can amend a living trust during your lifetime to reflect changes in your circumstances or wishes. This may include adding or removing assets, changing beneficiaries, or updating trust conditions. Consult with your estate planning attorney to ensure that any amendments are legally valid and properly executed.

Keeping Assets Owned by the Trust

It is important to review your assets periodically and ensure that they are titled in the trust to ensure that your estate plan is up to date and effective in achieving your goals. Even with a pour-over will, if there are any assets which are not owned by the trust, it will necessitate probate. To get the full benefit of a living trust, it is important to make sure all your assets are owned by the trust, and not titled in your own name.

Circumstances that May Require Trust Updates

Life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the death of a beneficiary may necessitate updates to your living trust. Regularly reviewing your trust with your estate planning attorney can help ensure that it remains current and continues to reflect your wishes.

Costs and Fees Associated with Living Trusts

Establishing a living trust typically involves attorney fees, which can vary depending on the complexity of your estate and the specific trust type. While the initial costs may be higher than those associated with creating a will, the long-term benefits, such as probate avoidance, often outweigh these costs.

Depending on the terms of your trust, there may be ongoing management fees, such as trustee fees or investment management fees. It is essential to understand and plan for these costs when establishing a living trust. For living trusts, there is usually not an ongoing maintenance cost during your lifetime.


A living trust is a valuable estate planning tool that offers numerous benefits, such as probate avoidance, privacy protection, greater control over asset management and distribution, and the ability to address unique family or beneficiary situations. Considering a living trust as part of your estate plan can help ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes, providing peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.

Given the complexity and importance of estate planning, it is essential to seek professional guidance when creating a living trust. Consulting with an estate planning attorney and a tax professional can help you navigate the process, choose the appropriate trust type, and tailor your trust to your specific needs and goals. By investing in expert advice, you can create a comprehensive and effective estate plan that safeguards your financial legacy and provides for your loved ones in the way you intended.

If you are ready to begin a conversation about your estate plan, I am happy to have a free, no obligation, consultation with you. You can call me anytime at 215-360-3139, or click the button below to schedule a time for me to call you.

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you are ready to begin a conversation about your estate plan, I am happy to have a free, no obligation, consultation with you. You can call me anytime at 215-360-3139, or click the button below to schedule a time for me to call you.